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Are we a few months, weeks or even days away from a third world war?

For quite a long time, the US is installing missiles and anti-missiles in Europe and elsewhere along the Russian borders. Since some months a build-up of a larger military force has been going on, from time to time reinforced trough military exercises. It may be useful to remember this is the way the build-up leading to operation Barbarossa (start of the second world war against the USSR) was made.

Under the pretext of fighting against the nuclear weapons of North Korea, installation of new missiles, anti-missiles et military exercises are also going on in Asia, in fact along the borders of Russia an China.

They are some people in the western world who think the failure of Barbarossa is due to the assault being limited to the western border of the USSR and to the first attack not being decisive. According to them a nuclear first strike against Russia an China from both the East an West would be the solution, especially if started close enough to the borders.

Does this means a nuclear first strike against China and Russia is possible?

To answer this question, one has to think about what would be the motives of such an action by the West

The western leadership knows that in less than 10 years the power of China will be such that any action would just be impossible.

There is still a fifth column in Russia with a tremendous power. Is it still going to be the case in 5 years? The way the Russian leaders hesitate, move two steps in one direction and then one step back give a picture of a weak country, with a large part of the population not willing to cut relations with the West. There are still many people in Russia who believe in the “American dream”. On top of that, there are millions of people who have emigrated to Israel from the URSS, included Russia. Those people have relatives or friends in Russia and thus can exert some influence in that country. Because of that the Russian leaders have their hands tied, even if the interests of Israel and Russia are wildly different.

How do the US want to solve the mounting crisis in their economy? As I already wrote in 2013 in an article in french on this web-page (From my book in french, see “Our publications ”) the US want to stay the dominant player this way:

a) Start a war between North Korea and South Korea, Japan, the result of which would be the destruction of South Korea and Japan, two competitors. On top of that to be able to fight this war those two countries would need to buy american weapons and pay with dollars. If China get involved, that would be the necessary pretext to nullify the american debt to that country and even launch a nuclear first strike against China.

b) imagine that it can also be possible to get a war going on between Russia and Europe. An other competitor going down, exactly like it happened in the first and second world war and, the icing on the cake, Europe too would need to buy American weapons and pay in dollars

c) Now add to this a war in the middle East between Iran and Saudi Arabia, Qatar, UAE . Those three countries would buy a tremendous amount of American weapons and once again pay in dollars. The petrol price will go up, most probably a large part of the petrol pumping stations in the middle East would be destroyed. The US would be the only country left with some large industry and enough petrol extraction capacity. Especially since it is quite sure that, in this scenario, the US army would take over the West African coast as well as South America, leaving most petrol extraction in their hands. Again the dollar would be king. You already see a part of this scenario happening with the troubles in Venezuela

d) Those wars would weaken Russia and China leaving the US as the dominant power, especially if the warring faction use nuclear tactical bombs or missiles launched from Europe, Japan or South Korea. The US leadership thinks that to avoid an even more devastating nuclear war, Russia and China would not retaliate on the US itself.

Of course, you may ask, what about the reply from Russia, North Korea and China?

Well, if this means Europe, South Korea and Japan are annihilated, for the US that just three competitors out of the way.

This is a very dangerous situation. I suppose the russian leadership would decide to reply directly against the US and not only against Europe but the Americans seem to think that because of the risk of a full blown nuclear war Russia would not do it or maybe that their first nuclear strike will sufficiently weaken the russian and chinese forces in such a way most of the few surviving long range missiles would be destroyed by their anti missiles-missiles... Anyway even if some russian or chinese missiles can reach the US and kill a few millions Americans, I think the US leadership does not care as long as it allows them to keep their world domination. The chinese leaders are acting on the belief that even if the US had the power to immediately kill 500 millions Chinese in a first strike, a possible counterattack killing 100 millions Americans would deter them doing this. Well I am afraid they don't understand at all the way western leaders think! Even the prospect of the death of 90% of the population of the US would not deter them if they think this would allow them to stay the dominant power on the planet, destroying China and Russia in the process.

The russian and chinese leadership are making serious mistakes in their analysis. They think that western leaders will act at least according to their economical interests, that Europe leaders do not want their countries to be destroyed by a nuclear strike and that the US leadership does not want 100 millions Americans to be killed . This is not the way those leaders think. Already before the second world war, a psychoanalyst, Willem Reich, explained how the human psychology is working, at least in the West. He forecasted in 1932 in his book “Mass psychology of fascism”, the takeover of Germany by Hitler and the nazis.

Today the leaders of Russia and China still go on analyzing the world according to “objectives interests”. Well, they should explain what are the “objectives interests” of people who blow themselves up in a country where they have never been before, where they don't know the people or even the culture... Saying those people are fanatics is not an answer but just a way to say you don't understand what is going on. You could think of a lot of other examples, like for instance the populations of the USSR prostituting their country to the West, in the process destroying their economy, their industry, exploding the USSR, going through wars in some parts of the country, letting NATO close to the heart of Russia and loosing tenths of millions of people... You could also think about Ukraine ...

The conflict between North Korea and the West has some roots in the way Russia and China try to pressure that country. They say it is because they don't want nuclear proliferation. OK, fine! What about Israel?? In one case they want to stop a country, North Korea, to posses nuclear weapons, in an other case they try to have extended relations with a country that develop even more nuclear weapons, Israel. Two sets of rules? This is not very serious and only give a very bad idea of the russian and chinese leaders and hurts the reputation of their country. People will start to think “look at those leaders, how they care more about money than justice” and will cease to act to try to stop a war between the West, China and Russia. What's the use to put oneself in harm's way for leaders who are all corrupt and greedy ? It has very bad public relation results and anyway will not stop the american side of doing what it wants. It is a loose-loose situation. Is it possible the russian and chinese leaders haven't yet understood that any negotiated deal is just a way for the Americans to go a step forward, any deal being very soon followed by new demands? That this will never stop unless the other side fully surrender? There has been negotiated deals with the american side ? Yes, when they were loosing the fight...

One should not forget that by helping thousands of people in Russia and China to get rich thanks to money created out of thin air by the Federal Reserve, the Americans have created a dependency between those people and the US. This was a very shrewd political operation the leaders of Russia and China did not understand very well.

It is about time, the leaders of Russia and China start to try to see the world, at least the western world, according to the real inner working of people's motivations that has been discovered by psychoanalysis. Maybe they will find a more effective way to deal with the West and avoid a devastating nuclear strike. Otherwise they will face the same fate as the USSR in 1941 when Stalin refused to take into account the coming german aggression despite the fact that everything was fairly well explained since 1932.

What about Europe ? Don't the european leaders understand that a war with Russia will end with Europe being a devastated radioactive place for thousands of years ? What about the populations ? Is this the future they want?

Note: Ideas extracted from my book in french “Quel futur pour l'humanité” , first edition 2015 see “Our publications ” . As a further idea about what is going on, have a look at this recent article from Paul Craig Roberts : “Sauron Rules in Washington”

CIESINT   Published on 2017-05-07   Read by 8941

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The latest developments of the site (generation of PDFs when ordering) have been completed. Another ongoing project with similar technology has also been completed. The crisis triggered by the coronavirus has been the cause of a significant delay in my projects. - 2020-04-05