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A cancer eating away at our societies

Why use the word cancer ? What parallel can be drawn between the body of a human being and society?

Society is not made up of individuals who are born with the innate ability to speak a given language, to manipulate tools, in short to use everything that makes up the complexity of modern societies. Virtually the entire set of human behavior is acquired through education, relationships with those around us and personal experience. Language is learned and not innate but, even more so, it is transmitted from generation to generation with the modifications that correspond to the economic and social evolution of societies. A baby abandoned to itself unrelated to humans would not survive long or, if taken care of by monkeys would become a monkey (with worse physical abilities). The human is like a cell of a social body. It owes its existence as a human being to the millennium development of civilizations as well as to the existence of a very complex economic organization. Whatever their level of knowledge, humans who would find themselves naked, without tools, and without contact with a civilized world would quickly return to a prehistoric level of development if they managed to survive. This notion of the social body proper to the development of a civilization is fundamental to understanding society.

If this makes it possible to better understand the notion of the social body, why associate it with the notion of cancer?

Cancer exists when a cell no longer performs the intended function in the body but grows endlessly. This constant growth can only be achieved by obtaining the collaboration of non-cancerous cells. Indeed, the tumor that forms needs to be supplied among other things by the blood vessels, it must therefore divert to its advantage the activity normally intended to repair or remodel the body according to the needs for the supply of normal cells. The growth of the tumor occurs not only at the expense of other cells but also by invading healthy organs and tissues, which disrupts the functioning of the body and ultimately leads to death by the inability of the organs to keep in action the processes allowing survival.

The parallel at the level of the social body ? The financial world has created an increasingly absolute need for money to live, thus diverting the activity of the social body from the production of a response to biological needs (which is the function of the real economy) to the creation of economic and social activities in the service of the financial world. In a human body, the immune defense system tries to destroy cancer cells, if it does not succeed, the cancer develops, then external intervention is necessary but not always sufficient and then it is death in a relatively short time.

In Western societies, the financial world has taken over and invaded all tissues. What must be seen is that this is not a problem that concerns only one thousand or two thousand members of the families directly at the source of the creation of the currency. Just like cancer in a human body, removing the tumor also involves removing blood vessels and other means of supply from it. Likewise in the social body, it must be realized that ending the financial system would also result in the disappearance of the activities of those who serve it from near or far. For example, what would become of people who work in financial services, marketing, advertising, political pressure groups in favor of financiers, speculators, those who participate near or far in the activities of the NSA or other services against citizens and industries of their own country, etc... ? Our societies today are very far from the world of 100 years ago or even 60 years ago in which the majority of citizens worked in the sphere of real production. Currently, although this varies considerably from country to country, the share of the working population in the real economy does not reach 30% and often not even 15%. Financial cancer is now widespread. It leads to the inexorable decline of our societies and to their disappearance.

Only difference from the human body, individuals are not inexorably linked to the social body in which they live, they can emigrate. We are heading towards the end of present Western civilization and chaos. The question is: what to do about what is happening ? From our point of view, there is no comprehensive political response in Western countries. But it should still be noted that the situation is quite different from one country to another. However, the proportion of the population today linked to the financial world is such that a change in policy no longer has social bases to rely on. This also means that the risk of world war is huge, the West could try to maintain the current system by military force, which explains the various military actions that are taking place.

Yet when industrial and technological power has been lost, the outcome of the war is beyond doubt. Small reminder: China produces 30 times more cement than the United States, more than 10 times more steel, more vehicles than the whole West, let's not even talk about electronics or shipbuilding. Remains aircraft construction will you tell me ? Militarily, the dominance of Western aviation technology no longer exists either in quantity or quality. American warplanes even use Russian and Chinese parts! On the civilian side, China has been selling jet aircraft capable of carrying up to 90 passengers for some time. It will put into mass production jets capable of carrying 150 to 160 passengers for an annual production of 150 aircraft. And this is only the beginning. In the field of large-capacity cargo aircraft, China is now also producing its own aircraft. More details on this information by accessing the other pages of this site

In addition, if you read the pages of the site devoted to analytical methods you will see that the use of one or another of these methods has a very significant impact on the effectiveness of a complex system. But the West uses the methods of analysis and management that result in the maximum financial gain (obviously one could say) in the short term and not those that allow the best development of the real economy in the long term.

To this must be added the impact of the culture of each civilization. This is how the Lebanese Hesbollah (35,000 people at the time, without aviation or tanks) was able to defeat an Israeli army of 470,000 people with many planes and tanks. Can you imagine what would happen if the war was against Iran, a thousand-strong Hesbollah with tens of thousands of missiles, armored vehicles, aviation and leading anti-aircraft defense ? For information on the industrial and technological power of Iran, know that for example the cement production of Iran is equal to that of the United States and that this cement is used to make fiber concrete much stronger than the concrete used in the West! Similarly, Iran produces its own missiles, submarines, drones, tanks and aircraft. So now imagine the war against China or even only against Russia !!

It is necessary to compare the current situation with a generalized cancer that destroys the social body in which it extends. What can we do ? There is a solution only on an individual level or on the scale of a small group of like-minded people. The possible solutions depend on the situation of each. More info: What is the value of money? ?

CIESINT   Published on 2014-03-25   Read by 2890  Translated on 2021-06-12

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The latest developments of the site (generation of PDFs when ordering) have been completed. Another ongoing project with similar technology has also been completed. The crisis triggered by the coronavirus has been the cause of a significant delay in my projects. - 2020-04-05