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Covid in Japan falls sharply: Why???


Japan and Ivermectin (yomiuri) 2021-09-29 (yandex translate)

 イベルメクチンとは、北里大学特別栄誉教授の大村智博士が1974年、静岡県・川奈のゴルフ場近くで発見した微生物が生み出す「アベルメクチン」をもと にした化合物(誘導体)である。アメリカの製薬会社のメルク社との共同研究で、もともとは家畜やペットの寄生虫、回虫などの治療薬として1981年に開発 された。家畜の寄生虫や皮膚病、イヌのフィラリア症などの特効薬となり、動物抗生物質として、20年以上にわたって売上高世界トップを維持する記録的な ヒット薬剤となった。


Ivermectin is a compound (derivative) based on "avermectin" produced by microorganisms discovered by Dr. Satoshi Omura, Professor emeritus at Kitasato University, near a golf course in Kawana, Shizuoka Prefecture, in 1974.It was originally developed in 1981 in collaboration with Merck, an American pharmaceutical company, as a treatment for parasites and roundworms in livestock and pets.It has become a silver bullet for parasites and skin diseases in livestock, and filariasis in dogs, and has become a record-breaking hit drug as an animal antibiotic, maintaining the world's top sales for more than 20 years.

Since ivermectin is effective for large animals, it will also be effective for humans, so research and development has advanced to see if it can be used to treat and prevent oncocerciasis (river blindness), which was prevalent in river basins in Africa, Central and South America, and the Middle East.

 河川に生息するブユ(ブヨ、ブト)がヒトを刺した際に、ミクロフィラリア(回旋糸状虫)という線虫をうつし、それが体内で繁殖して失明する人が多数出て いた。この治療に役立てようと、1975年に大村博士がメルク社のウィリアム・キャンベル博士と共同研究を進め、オンコセルカ症や脚のリンパ腺に線虫がは びこって、太いむくみが出るリンパ系フィラリア症(象皮症)の特効薬としてイベルメクチン(薬剤名はメクチザン)を開発した。

When a river-dwelling black fly stings a human, a nematode called microfilariae (circularididae) spreads in the body, and many people die of blindness.In 1975, Dr. Omura collaborated with Dr. William Campbell of Merck to develop ivermectin (the drug name is mectizan) as a silver bullet for lymph system filariasis (elephant skin disease), which is caused by nematode infestations in the lymph glands of the legs.

 世界保健機関(WHO)の研究者は「これまで出てきたどの熱帯病薬剤と比較しても、けた外れに優れた効果を持つ」とイベルメクチンを高く評価し、メルク 社と北里大学に協力を求め、1987年から熱帯地方の住民に無償で配布することにした。何よりも年に1回、錠剤を水で飲むだけという簡単な服用法がWHO の評価を高めたポイントだった。

Researchers at the World Health Organization (WHO) highly rated ivermectin, saying it "has an excellent effect on dislocations compared to any tropical disease drug that has appeared so far."They asked Merck and Kitasato University for cooperation and decided to distribute it free of charge to residents of the tropics since 1987.Above all, it was a point that the WHO's evaluation was heightened by the simple method of taking tablets only to drink with water 1 time a year.

 この特効薬が出てきたため、盲目になる人が続出していたオンコセルカ症は急速に減少し、コロンビア、メキシコなどでは、オンコセルカ症を撲滅したと宣言 している。その後、ダニによる疥癬症や糞線虫症など重篤な風土病の予防・治療薬になることもわかり、イベルメクチンは世界中に広がった。臨床現場では、副 作用がほとんど報告されないことも評価を一層高めた。大村・キャンベル両博士は、この業績を評価され、2015年にノーベル生理学・医学賞を受賞した。


With the advent of this silver bullet, the number of blind people with oncoserciasis has rapidly decreased, and in Colombia, Mexico and other countries, it has been declared that oncoserciasis has been eradicated.Later, Ivermectin was found to be the prevention and treatment of serious endemic diseases such as scabies caused by mites and fecal nematode disease, and spread all over the world.In clinical practice, the evaluation was further enhanced that little side effects are reported.Dr. Omura and Dr. Campbell received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 2015 for their work.

Ivermectin that emerged in the COVID-19 outbreak

 イベルメクチンは今、新型コロナ(COVID-19)のパンデミック(世界的大流行)で再び世界中の注目を集めている。試験管レベルの研究で、新型コロ ナウイルスがヒトの細胞内で増殖する際に、ウイルスのたんぱく質の核内移行を妨害し、増殖を抑制することがわかったからだ。

Ivermectin is now gaining worldwide attention again with the new Corona (COVID-19) pandemic.In vitro studies have shown that the new coronavirus interferes with the intranuclear transfer of the virus's protein and inhibits its growth when it grows in human cells.


Experimental data on the suppression of the growth of AIDS virus and Dengue virus have also been reported, and experiments have shown that ivermectin was added to infected vero cultured cells derived from monkey kidney by the new coronavirus (CoV-2), which reduced the growth of the virus.

POINT ■北里大学の大村智博士が発見した抗寄生虫病の特効薬イベルメクチンが、コロナウイルス感染症(COVID-19)に効果あり、との臨床試験が途上国を中心に約80件報告されている。





■About 80 clinical trials have been reported, mainly in developing countries, that ivermectin, an antiparasitic drug discovered by Dr. Satoshi Omura of Kitasato University, is effective for coronavirus infection (COVID-19).

■Many doctors in the United States and the United Kingdom also claim that it is "effective" and that it is used for prevention and treatment, but pharmaceutical companies and government authorities are also moving to block the use, saying that "clinical trials are insufficient."

■Drug development and vaccination still take time.From the point of view of medical economics, there are strong voices that ivermectin should be used, which is cheap and has little side effects, and its adoption has become a global debate.

■Japan has accepted the use of ivermectin for COVID-19 treatment on condition that doctors and patients agree, but it does not see any intention to actively approve it.We should take the initiative to confirm the efficacy of drugs.

CIESINT   Published on 2021-09-30   Read by 2906

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The latest developments of the site (generation of PDFs when ordering) have been completed. Another ongoing project with similar technology has also been completed. The crisis triggered by the coronavirus has been the cause of a significant delay in my projects. - 2020-04-05