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Is China committing suicide ?

This question is in relation to the way China handle her relations with North Korea: There are two aspects in this question, a political one and a military.

Let's start with the political point of view...

The day China got the bomb, the US wanted to find a way to stop China developing nuclear weapons. They tried, without success, to have the USSR to put some pressure on China to stop nuclear proliferation. Imagine if the USSR had agree to some sanctions against China ? This is what China is doing with North Korea! Why ? Because might is right ? The Chinese say they want to stop North Korea developing nuclear weapons on the ground of non nuclear proliferation, but what about Israel developing this king of weapons and on top of that being a very aggressive country ? What if the USSR and the USA had tried to stop nuclear proliferation when China was itself trying to develop this kind of weapons? The political result of such an attitude towards North Korea will result in a tremendous loss of credibility. Many people will start to think : look at the Chinese they only want to make business, to earn money (dollars created out of thin air) and they don't care about smaller countries, about people. This will make it much more easier to criticize Chinese operations in Africa, presenting them as just an other form of imperialism. There is an other catch to this political point of view. More and more people will start to thing: well isn't China going the way of The USSR, with more and more people corrupted, wanting to join the West and enjoy "the good life" of rich western people who live essentially of financial manipulations and money created out of thin air ? Aren't we going to see the same effect in China as we saw with the dismantling of the USSR ? Especially since the US and other allied forces will do their best to help this process. Of course then, leaders of other countries will want to hedge their bets and balance their international relations. But this is not the most dangerous part of the way China handle the relation with her neighbour.

Let's see the military part of it.

The Chinese think somehow that the leaders of the US have some basic common sense. Suppose they don't and are acting only according to psychological mechanisms. Well let's see an other scenario. First of all they will see that if enough pressure is being brought on the Chinese leaders they will cave in. So why not going on since it is working? Thus never mind what China does, they will keep asking for more. Now imagine they think by creating a situation which will force some North Korea merchant ship or even a small North Korean island to defend itself they will then be able to pretend to be attacked and thus to have the right to launch a massive first nuclear strike on North Korea thinking that at worst less than one hundred thousand south Koreans will be killed and may be a few thousands people in Japan. As always the US leadership underestimates their enemy, the outcome of this aggression would more likely to be tens of thousands deaths in Japan and a few thousands in the US, forget about South Korea. But at the end the US leaders would present this as a great victory. What would China do ? The way the Chinese cave in to US pressure and care more for business than justice means one should not expect a military reaction from China. Thus once more the Americans will claim, well look ! It works, we won while china has a very serious problem with nuclear pollution and millions of North Korean refugees. Next step ? 2000 US nuclear bombs on China ! Since China didn't answer the aggression against North Korea, the US would expect the Russian not to move, especially since Putin is always saying that nobody will survive a nuclear war between the US and Russia, even more since a large part of the Russian upper classes wants some kind of agreement with the US. Of course, they will be some kind of retaliation from China against the US, but even if this leads to the death of 10 or even 50 millions Americans, the American deep state would consider this to be worth the price since it would means the US would be a world power for a long time, Russia would have to negotiate a surrender. Now may be you understand the title : is China committing suicide ?

CIESINT   Published on 2017-10-02   Read by 8388

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